
Handwashing facilities

Handwashing facilities in a refugee camp in White Nile State, Sudan, installed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

CAFOD has been supporting projects in Darfur since 2004 to provide water and sanitation, health clinics, treatment for malnutrition, education, and support for people in making a living.

Why CAFOD works in Sudan

In the west of Sudan, conflict in Darfur has driven more than two million people from their homes into refugee camps, where they are very vulnerable to coronavirus. These communities can't return to their land or rebuild their villages.

We are also supporting children whose families have been displaced by fighting in other parts of the country. We are helping to provide emergency education, and support for local families in making a living.

Our work in Sudan

With your donations, together we are:

  • Giving a lifeline to half a million people in Darfur as they face the threat of coronavirus.
  • Providing water and sanitation, health clinics and treatment for malnutrition that will be crucial in fighting the spread of this disease among this vulnerable community.
  • Giving practical help to families who have fled fighting in other parts of the country, including education and support for them to make a living during the coronavirus crisis. 

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